Come on down and back to BBB3

Hi everyone, wanted to remind you all we have moved our internet host Jan 9. Progress marchers on! Hopefully you noticed a lack of post the last month it turns out we were posting but many of you were not receiving! A big opps on our part. We sincerely hope you want to stay with us…..

If you are an email subscriber you on Monday you ought to have received an email that asked you to click to activate again….If not then please go to the site and on the right to subscribe (again)  (we hope you want to!) The difference in your emails now is that to see the images of the gang you will need to click on a link in the email of the post. To read the words only, the email will do that.

If you are a WordPress subscriber/follower, you will need to re-subscribe. Sorry about that, the gang of The Botanical Beauties & Beasties hope sincerely hope you do indeed keep following us!


Our local friend hopes you will perform your magic and re-subscribe!